Our Story

Hi, I’m Katie. Most days you can find me working with my amazing son, Houston, one of my five kiddos. Technically they’re all grown ups now. Oh where did the time and all the missing socks, utensils, homework and money go?! I’m mostly known as MOM! People often refer to me as MOM! Some days I even accidentally introduce myself as MOM. I’m MOM before I’m anything else. This is probably due to supply and demand. There’s one of me and five of them. While I was busy being MOM and trying to figure out what I was going to be when they grew up, I found out that my heart is most happy when I am bringing hope and love to those who are discouraged by some of the unseen “WHY ME???” bombshells of life. My daughter reminded me that my personal collection of bombshells has resembled grenades more than any other piece of artillery.

The things I am most passionate about in life are coffee, Jesus (He’s not second, it’s just hard to pray without falling asleep until I’ve had coffee), trying to get my groove on (no one would have ever thought this girly girl would become a fitness guru), all things beautiful/kind/good, and the messy, expensive people who call me MOM! My son Houston and his amazing friends are the reason Asher House exists, to give hope to those who thought they had none. I serve families and individuals who are affected by autism and provide solutions and support to address the complexities they face every moment of every day. You can not begin to understand how much joy I receive when a parent realizes there is hope to hear their child’s thoughts after years of never hearing a word. And I get to relive the greatest day of my life over and over again through the families I serve.

My hero-son Houston was almost 22 years old before he had an opportunity to learn how to communicate. Before that day, when people would ask me what I wanted most in life I would shoot back, “I want to know my son! I want to know what he thinks and feels!” The day our lives changed forever was when, after a few months of struggling on the letter boards, he was asked this question after a lesson on the history of the t-shirt. “If you could put any slogan on a t-shirt, what would it be?” and Houston slowly, letter by letter, spelled… I M I N H E R E.

And hope began.